- Scouting Memories Podcast explores the unique, interesting, and personal stories we find throughout the BSA and its 100 million alumni. This project is on a temporary hiatus, but you can find the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Audible.
- ClothTalk was a show that I helped produce in 2005 and 2006. Our goal was to explore the history of Scouting through patches and other collectables, but podcasting was a lot harder back then. You can find the show archive at https://anchor.fm/clothtalk.
- My Favorite Patch is a BRAND NEW SHOW about Scouts, Scout leaderes, and the stories behind their favorite patches. You can find all of the links for that show at linktr.ee/myfavpatch.
- The Scouting Memories Project is an officially-chartered project of the Boy Scouts of America. It is led by a team of volunteers across the country, who work together to help collect and preserve personal, unique, or interesting stories from the entire history of Scouting and its 100,000,000 members and alumni. You can learn more about the project and see some of our work online at scoutingmemories.org.
- Where To Go Scouting is something that I've been tinkering with this for a long time, but the basic idea is pretty simple: How do we give Scouts and Scout leaders a simple tool to help find nearby opportunities for camping, hiking, and other adventures? This is a modern take on an old idea, but it's still a work in progress. I have a basic prototype online at wheretogoscouting.org. If you're interested in helping, drop me an email.
Past Projects
- Coosa Shows was a team that I helped start in 1999 and helped lead for more than 20 years. I have been (slowly) uploading many of our video projects to YouTube at https://youtube.com/coosashows.
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Copyright © 2023, Chris Brightwell. All rights reserved.